Wow. The past two days have been blogging hell. Today I need to do real-world stuff like go to BJ's (shut it!) and knit a stupid dog sweater and a scarf. And hopefully take a nice, long nap.
I hope you guys have a great day, and I'm sure we'll be in touch soon. Oh, and I re-opened the poll so you can vote on what you'd like me to blather on about, because cat blogging is a sin.
Awwwww.I'm sorry you're hurting. Some of the pharms have programs to provide medications for people who can't afford them. Check out their websites or let me know who to check and I will for you.
Thanks, Robert! :-*
Alas and alack, I don't qualify for the Big Pharma drug programs because *technically* I have a prescription plan, albeit a beat-ass prescription plan that only covers birth control. O_o Oy! So, my doctors are filling out forms to be sent to the caseworker saying, "Yes. She needs this hypertension medication and these crazy meds, etc." Relief is right around the corner. I got samples of Abilify, so I'm good on that drug. I just shelled out some major bucks for generic Remeron.
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