They haven't been by (officially) for at least ten days, so I think it's time to give the good ole boys in SLC a break. For awhile. I still plan on having Misogyny Day and Seed of Cain/Bigfoot Day in the near future, but I'm not going to stress myself out about them right now.
Instead, I'm going to knit, knit, knit and try to stay sane, sane, sane. And catblog, cuz that's how I roll.
The poll to the left is about to close. "How I Came up with the Name for this Blog" has a slight lead over "How I Got the Fuck out of Fundamentalist Christianity," so, there's still time to vote, but it looks like I'll have to tell you why I fight the DJ.
I'm going to apologize in advance -- the first telling was great. It was induced by insomnia, hypomania and The Lunesta Haze. I had to deep six it when I deep sixed my blog in a paranoid fit some time ago, but I'll try my best to recreate the story.
So, Goodbye, ldschurch.org! Hello, Why I Fight the DJ. Coming soon...
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