Kold_Kadavr_flatliner decided to grace us (or as he writes "U.S.") with his presence! Welcome, Kold_Kadavr_flatliner!
He had a few things to say in the comments:
Kold_Kadavr_flatliner said...
God would LOVE to have you in the Great Beyond, but, alas, God also gave U.S. all free will: God knows the state of thy immortal soul. I don't. See my point? --- Now, lemme giveth unto thee some Good News: I hope you'll join me for a BIG-OL party celebrating our resurrection Upstairs on my drawbridge. God bless.
Kold_Kadavr_flatliner said...
Correction: Jesus is THE Boss of U.S. whether you or anyone else disagrees, you'll still have to face Him. And that da fak, Jak -Stripes (with Bill Murray)
But what really interested me is this snippet from his blog (I wouldn't go there unless you really want to take a trip to Racist Religious Homophobic CrazyTown. If you're prone to epileptic seizures, do not visit his other website. And in case one blog and webpage aren't enough to ensure his salvation, we've got this):
You cannot live a double-life, America; you cannot sit on the fence acting all hypocriticalNself-rightous because you voted for the first Negro, supporting Barack's abortionNhomosexual agenda and receiving Holy Communion.
Uh. Okay. Thanks for stopping by! Please come again! And consider changing your name to "Kold_Kadavr_flatearther." I'm here to help. God bless!
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